Accept Jesus In your Life

Do you accept Jesus Christ as your saviour?

If so, don't worry if the world will end for He will exalt you in the same way you exalted Him while you were here on earth. So do not hesitate to ask Jesus for His guidance in everyday of our lives. I suggest if you are lack of knowledge of our saviour Jesus, read bible to really understand what is our purpose her on earth. For me, our purpose here on earth is to praise and worship the our Lord Jesus Christ for He is the son of God. Be blessed in your everyday life if you pray early in the morning and before you sleep. I am writing this to you because I feel that you need assistance in knowing your savior. I found my savior and hope you found your saviour like I do. Be brave enough to speak your heart to our Lord, He will answer our prayer in many ways. Times goes by and we know that the end of the world is near, but don't wait for that, we have still time to prove that we are worthy to receive God's grace which is eternal.

"Pray and never grow weary..."


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