Quotes - itsmec",)elfs

"It is better to play poker than to talk to a liar."

"Things are always different, it depends on how to view in it."

"A feeling is not what you feel it is what you remember."

"Life has bunch to offer, we are the one who choose which one is good or bad for us."

"Better to say sorry and accept apology, to live life fully."

"I miss the days that I can't go back, and I do not want to miss the things I am facing right now."

"Experience teach us lessons, but it will never make us a better person."

"The foundation that always break is the promise that you've made."

"If smile is the best medicine, then my loneliness are the antidote."

"Trusting someone is giving them back the honest actions."

"When you try to complain nothing seem so right, and when you stop complaining it's like you're doing nothing to make it right."


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